Research Camps
The committee organizes and hosts two research camps on annual basis.
NOMAD (NOnlinear Mechanics And Dynamics)
The Nonlinear Mechanics and Dynamics (NOMAD) Research Institute was founded by Sandia National Laboratories† in 2014 as a collaborative and educational research opportunity to unite graduate-level students and highly qualified undergraduate students from around the world to work on challenging research problems in mechanical engineering. NOMAD seeks to bring together participants with diverse technical backgrounds to work in small teams to utilize an interactive approach to cultivate new ideas and approaches. NOMAD provides an opportunity for researchers – especially early career researchers - to develop lasting collaborations that go beyond what can be established from the limited interactions at their institutions or at annual conferences. Since many of the leading experts in this field are widely dispersed internationally, it takes a directed effort to bring these researchers together to establish these connections. It is our hope that by fostering such collaboration and sparking research opportunities, NOMAD participants will supplement their academic education by making significant progress towards solving some of the broad technical challenges in this area under the directed mentorship of experts in their field.
The annual NOMAD Research Institute is a seven-week program that is co-hosted with the University of New Mexico. Each year the organizers form a total of six research projects/teams, each tasked with addressing key research and technical challenge in the area of nonlinear mechanics and dynamics. Often both computational and experimental methods are leveraged to address the key research questions for the project teams. Recruiting for the program begins in early Fall and continues into early Spring. Up to date information about job openings and past projects can be found on the NOMAD website.
Previous Projects can be found at NOMAD
† Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-mission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Honeywell International Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA0003525. SAND2021-6720 M
TRC (Tribomechadynamics Research Camp)
The Tribomechadynamics Research Camp (TRC) is a month-long research collaboration for students from the postdoctoral level to the high school level. Due to the ongoing pandemic, the next TRC will be in 2022 at the University of Stuttgart, Germany. The goal of the TRC is to bring together participants with diverse technical backgrounds from around the world to work in small teams on projects germane to interfacial mechanics and the dynamics of coupled structures. It is our hope that this experience will help form lasting collaborations and make significant progress towards solving several of the major challenges in these research areas. There is no registration fee, and free accommodation will be provided. We are also pleased to announce that the 2022 TRC is sponsored by MTU Aero Engines AG. Important dates for the next TRC will be posted in 2022.
Previous Projects can be found at TRC
In lieu of hosting a research camp in 2021, we are instead hosting a research challenge. See the Tribomechadynamics Research Challenge for more information.
Information for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Researchers
The primary thrust of the Tribomechadynamics Research Camp is a research activity in which teams of graduate students and postdoctoral researchers collaborate to investigate problems at the forefront of interfacial dynamics. The Research Camp is the successor to the Nonlinear Dynamics of Coupled Structures and Interfaces Summer program, which was hosted by Rice University and Imperial College London from 2017-2018. Past projects have included investigations of wear evolving hysteresis models for joint mechanics, in situ measurements of contact pressure within a bolted interface, the experimental investigation of the local kinematics of an interface using digital image correlation, and comparison of different methods (such as comparing the suitability of the asymptotic numerical method against the harmonic balance method for modeling nonlinear systems with friction).
Applications for participation will include a copy of your CV, a letter of recommendation by your advisor including a statement that your home institution covers your travel expenses, and a cover letter detailing your research interests and project preference. Specific projects for the 2022 TRC will be announced at the start of the year.
Note that participation in the Research Camp will give European-based students credit for attending English-based conferences and workshops. Certificates of completion/participation will be made to assist with this. There are no registration fees to participate.